
Child Labor in Pakistan By Muhammad Ammar Rana

Child Labor in Pakistan

By Muhammad Ammar Rana

A sigh of exhaustion could easily be seen on the face of every human, with a kind soul, passing by that 13-years old child. Yes, a child with pressure on his mind, as well as on his immature shoulders, who was trying hard to lift the heavy, unbearable to carry, weight.

Children laboring hard, putting their health and lives at risk, is a common sight in Pakistan. According to the constitution and labour laws, employment of children under the age of 14 is prohibited. Yet, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan estimated in the 1990s that 11 million children were working in the country, half of them under ten years of age. Many years have passed till yet but the situation is still same in most of the rural and urban areas of Pakistan.

To who should they claim the nourishment of their young self being, to whom should they complain about their contemporary state. Is they living their life or just suffering from the very young age to full fill the basic needs of them and their families. We talk about the human rights, I question you where are the rights to education and to fulfillment of basic needs of these little children. Education should be the only main soul reason for their existence in this age of their life.

1st may is really enthusiastically celebrated in our beloved country by granting a leave to all the corporate world, but have you ever noticed that the real reason behind that holiday are often seen working on the streets to just full fill the need of that specific day. God bestow human beings with the blessing of parents so they could be protected from the harshness of this bare world but what about those children who have to come out just to face the unsympathetic world to earn their livelihood. Isn’t it our duty to stand with those less privileged in our society so we could abolish the curse of child labour from our blood? And could flourish the essence of education which truly leads to the peace of world.

Yes why not! I will end my article by taking the pledge from all those who got an opportunity to go through my article that from this very passing second we will contribute to change the world around us. By standing with all those unprivileged children who are fighting the battle every day. We should be the one helping them to gain their rights to attain knowledge and to diminish this curse of child labour.

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