
Statement from Aga Khan University PDCN Regarding Education Fellows Hiring

 Statement from Aga Khan University PDCN Regarding Education Fellows Hiring

The Aga Khan University Professional Development Centre North (PDCN) has recently issued a statement concerning the ongoing recruitment process for the Gilgit-Baltistan Education Fellows (GB EFs) project. The statement from Aga Khan University PDCN regarding Education Fellows aims to clarify various aspects of the hiring process, address concerns raised by unsuccessful candidates, and outline the next steps for those who have been shortlisted for the upcoming selection phases.

Statement from Aga Khan University PDCN Regarding Education Fellows Hiring
Statement from Aga Khan University PDCN Regarding Education Fellows Hiring

The Gilgit-Baltistan Education Fellows Project

The GB EFs project, spearheaded by a consortium of four esteemed institutions—Aga Khan University PDCN, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Karakoram International University (KIU), and Knowledge Platform—aims to address a significant challenge faced by the region: the shortage of qualified teachers in public schools. With the future of education in Gilgit-Baltistan at the forefront of this initiative, the project seeks to recruit and train 1,200 Education Fellows who will undergo a comprehensive and continuous teacher development program.

According to the statement from Aga Khan University PDCN regarding Education Fellows, this project is not just an initiative but a transformational step for the children of Gilgit-Baltistan. The project is being run by the people of the region, and every decision and action has been carried out with fairness and transparency in mind. Importantly, the entire process has been conducted in close consultation with and approval from the Government of Gilgit-Baltistan, ensuring that all measures are aligned with local educational policies and needs.

The Application Process and Shortlisting

The recruitment drive for the Gilgit-Baltistan Education Fellows project began in July 2024, attracting over 17,000 applications for the 1,200 available positions. The statement from Aga Khan University PDCN regarding Education Fellows highlights that the selection process has been rigorous and largely automated, taking into account several factors, including candidates' educational qualifications, the academic subjects they studied, their gender, and the availability of teaching positions in their respective localities. This system was designed to ensure that the process remains impartial, efficient, and fair.

By the end of August 2024, the first major milestone in the selection process was achieved when the shortlisting of approximately 1,700 candidates was completed. These shortlisted candidates were notified via email on 30th August 2024 and were invited to participate in the next stage of the process—a combined interview and test. According to the statement, over 90% of the shortlisted candidates confirmed their availability for this crucial step, indicating strong participation and commitment to the project’s objectives.

Addressing Concerns from Unsuccessful Candidates

Following the announcement of the shortlisted candidates, the Aga Khan University PDCN received numerous queries from individuals who were not selected for the next stage. In response to this, the statement from Aga Khan University PDCN regarding Education Fellows clarified several points. Firstly, the organization had never promised to individually notify every applicant who was not shortlisted, as this is not a standard practice in large-scale recruitment processes. While the shortlisting results were declared publicly, individual notifications were only sent to successful candidates due to logistical constraints.

Nevertheless, the Aga Khan University PDCN has provided a mechanism for unsuccessful applicants to raise concerns or lodge complaints regarding the selection process. A dedicated complaint form is available for this purpose, and candidates are encouraged to fill out the form if they believe their application was unjustly overlooked. Additionally, an email address ( has been established for filing complaints online. The deadline for submitting complaints is 14th September 2024, after which no further grievances will be entertained. The statement reassures applicants that every query will be addressed within 15 days of receipt, ensuring that the process remains as transparent and fair as possible.

Looking Forward

The statement from Aga Khan University PDCN regarding Education Fellows also reaffirms the commitment of the project to improving educational outcomes in Gilgit-Baltistan. As the hiring process moves forward, the selected Education Fellows will undergo intensive training and professional development, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to become effective educators in the region. The project aims to foster a new generation of teachers who are not only qualified but also deeply invested in the future of Gilgit-Baltistan’s education system.

The GB EFs project is a unique opportunity for both the region and the fellows. By building local capacity and strengthening the education system, this initiative is set to have a lasting impact on the future of education in Gilgit-Baltistan. The collaborative effort between Aga Khan University PDCN, LUMS, KIU, and Knowledge Platform ensures that the project benefits from a wealth of expertise and experience, further enhancing its potential for success.


In summary, the statement from Aga Khan University PDCN regarding Education Fellows hiring clarifies the selection process and addresses the concerns of unsuccessful candidates. The Gilgit-Baltistan Education Fellows project is a significant step toward addressing the teacher shortage in the region, and it is being implemented with a strong emphasis on fairness, transparency, and local involvement. As the project progresses, it holds great promise for both the education system and the children of Gilgit-Baltistan.