
Directorate Tourism & Culture Gilgit-Baltistan

Directorate Tourism & Culture Gilgit-Baltistan

Directorate Tourism & Culture Gilgit-Baltistan Relieve from Service of Contract/Contingent Paid Staff of Different Development Projects in Tourism & Culture Directorate GB

Directorate Tourism & Culture Gilgit-Baltistan
Directorate Tourism & Culture Gilgit-Baltistan

Directorate Tourism & Culture Gilgit-Baltistan

The Directorate Tourism & Culture Gilgit-Baltistan plays a crucial role in promoting the cultural and tourism heritage of this beautiful region. The Directorate has been involved in various development projects aimed at improving tourism infrastructure, creating employment opportunities, and enhancing the cultural image of Gilgit-Baltistan. However, due to the completion of several projects and the unavailability of funds for others, a significant decision has been made regarding the contractual and contingent paid staff involved in these projects.

Relieving Contractual and Contingent Paid Staff

In light of the Tourism & Culture Secretariat GB letter No. STSC-Dev-1(48)/2023/6229 dated 14 July, 2024, it has been decided that the services of several individuals working as contingent paid staff/contractual staff on various development projects are to be relieved with immediate effect. These individuals were employed for specific projects, many of which have now either been completed or lack the necessary funding to continue.

1. Completion of Projects and Relieving of Staff

One of the key reasons for relieving the staff is the closure of certain projects. As per the PC-1 scope, projects such as the “Promotion of Gilgit-Baltistan as Four Season Destination” and “People's Youth Programme Initiatives on Youth & Sports Infrastructure Development” have been completed. These projects, which played a pivotal role in improving the tourism sector in Gilgit-Baltistan, are no longer part of the Annual Development Plan (ADP) for the fiscal year 2024-25. The individuals employed for these projects are therefore being relieved as the projects stand officially closed as of 30th June 2024.

The staff members being relieved include:

  1. Mr. Ghulam Abbas
  2. Mr. Kashif Hussain
  3. Mr. Nasir Hussain
  4. Mr. Nadeem Hussain
  5. Mr. Muhammad Zaman
  6. Mr. Shahid Ali
  7. Mr. Muhammad Suhail
  8. Mr. Raza Ali
  9. Mr. Rahimullah

These individuals were working at various postings, including the Tourism Directorate, AD Office Skardu, and Rest House Naltar Bala, contributing to the successful execution of these now-completed projects.

2. Projects Lacking Funding

In addition to the completion of certain projects, there are ongoing projects where further funds are unavailable for the payment of salaries. These projects include the “Development and Improvement of Historical Monuments and Trekking Trails in Gilgit-Baltistan.” As a result, several employees who were working on these projects are being relieved due to the financial constraints faced by the Directorate Tourism & Culture Gilgit-Baltistan.

The employees affected by this decision include:

  1. Mr. Showkat Ali
  2. Mr. Riaz Hussain
  3. Mr. Qurban
  4. Mr. Muhammad Kazim
  5. Mr. Nazir Ahmad
  6. Mr. Sheher Yar Karim
  7. Mr. Nisar Ahmad Jan
  8. Mr. Abdul Barkat
  9. Mr. Rizwan
  10. Mr. Sultan Bahadur
  11. Mr. Piyar Ali Shah
  12. Mr. Fazal Amin
  13. Mr. Ali Musa
  14. Mr. Manzoor Hussain
  15. Mr. Muhammad Akbar

These individuals were posted in different offices, including the AD Offices in Nagar, Hunza, Skardu, and Gilgit. They were also involved in the development of key tourist spots such as Picnic Spot Khalti, Picnic Spot Sosot, and Rest House Naltar Satrangi, which have contributed significantly to the tourism industry of the region.

Challenges Faced by the Directorate Tourism & Culture Gilgit-Baltistan

The Directorate Tourism & Culture Gilgit-Baltistan has been instrumental in driving the tourism and cultural development of the region. However, like many government entities, it faces the challenge of limited financial resources, especially when it comes to funding salaries for ongoing projects. The lack of further funds has led to the unfortunate decision to relieve several employees.

Despite these challenges, the Directorate remains committed to its mission of promoting tourism and culture in Gilgit-Baltistan. While the immediate focus is on managing the completion of current projects and addressing funding shortfalls, there is hope that future initiatives will provide more opportunities for employment and further enhance the region's tourism appeal.

Future Outlook for Gilgit-Baltistan Tourism

The Directorate Tourism & Culture Gilgit-Baltistan will continue to play a vital role in shaping the tourism landscape of the region. While some projects have been completed, there are ongoing efforts to initiate new projects aimed at attracting tourists, both domestic and international, to the stunning landscapes of Gilgit-Baltistan.

With its rich cultural heritage and breathtaking natural beauty, Gilgit-Baltistan remains a key destination for tourism development. The Directorate's work, despite the current setbacks, will continue to lay the groundwork for a thriving tourism sector that benefits both local communities and the economy at large.


The Directorate Tourism & Culture Gilgit-Baltistan has been at the forefront of tourism and cultural development in the region. The completion of several projects and the lack of funding for others has necessitated the relieving of contractual and contingent staff. While this is a challenging moment for the individuals affected, the Directorate's ongoing commitment to developing Gilgit-Baltistan's tourism sector remains unwavering. There is optimism that future projects will create new opportunities for both employment and the continued promotion of Gilgit-Baltistan as a premier tourist destination.