Water and Power Division, Hunza Jobs-2024

 Water and Power Division, Hunza Jobs-2024

Water and Power Division, Hunza Jobs-2024
 Water and Power Division, Hunza Jobs-2024

Employment Opportunities

Applications are invited from candidates holding domiciles of District Hunza for the following permanent positions in the Water and Power Division Ghizer. Details regarding educational qualifications, experience, age limit, and the number of vacancies are provided below.

Vacant Positions with Scale For Hunza District:

  1. Position: Helper Electrician (Basic Scale-2)
    • Education: Middle Pass
    • Experience: Relevant Experience Required
    • Age Limit: 18-35 years
    • Number of Positions: 12
    • Union Councils:
      • Hydel Station Mayon, Union Council Shinaki

      • Hydel Station Shimsal, Union Council Gojal 

      • Hydel Station Misgar, Union Council Gojal     


  1. Applications can be submitted to the office of the Executive Engineer, Water and Power Division, Hunza,  within fifteen days from the publication date of this advertisement.
  2. Applications must be accompanied by attested copies of the domicile, National Identity Card, educational certificates, experience certificates, and two passport-sized photographs.
  3. Applications received after the due date will not be accepted.
  4. Individuals already employed can submit their applications through the relevant department.
  5. Preference will be given to those with relevant experience and those already working in the PP&S.
  6. The authorized officer of the department has the full authority to reject any incomplete or incorrect application.
  7. Candidates meeting the above conditions will be included in the test/interview.
  8. Only candidates from the respective union councils can apply for the above positions.
  9. No travel expenses will be provided.
  10. Women and special persons will be accommodated according to the specified rules.
Last Date of Application Submission is 24-June-2024
Water and Power Division, Hunza Jobs-2024
 Water and Power Division, Hunza Jobs-2024

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How To said…
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