Education Testing Council Syllabus For EST GB

Education Testing Council Syllabus For EST GB

Education Testing Council - Proposed Content Weightage for Elementary School Teacher (EST/BS-14), School Education Department Gilgit-Baltistan

The Education Testing Council (ETC) has proposed the content weightage for the Elementary School Teacher (EST/BS-14) position in the School Education Department of Gilgit-Baltistan. This framework outlines the distribution of subjects and criteria to be covered in the recruitment process. Ensuring a comprehensive evaluation, the content weightage aims to assess candidates across various domains essential for effective teaching at the elementary level.

Elementary School Teacher (EST/BS-14): Criteria and Subject Division

  1. Verbal Reasoning (Science Comprehension, Synonym/Antonym, Comprehension) - 20%:

    • This section evaluates candidates' ability to comprehend scientific concepts, identify synonyms and antonyms, and understand written passages.
  2. Urdu - 10%:

    • Candidates' proficiency in Urdu language, including grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension, will be assessed in this section.
  3. Quantitative Reasoning - 15%:

    • This section measures candidates' quantitative aptitude, problem-solving skills, and ability to interpret numerical data.
  4. General Science - 15%:

    • Candidates' understanding of basic scientific principles, concepts, and applications will be evaluated in this section.
  5. Islamiat - 10%:

    • This section assesses candidates' knowledge of Islamic studies, including Quranic teachings, Islamic history, and ethics.
  6. Social Studies / General Knowledge - 10%:

    • Candidates' awareness of social studies topics and general knowledge about historical events, geography, current affairs, and other relevant subjects will be tested.
  7. Basic IT - 10%:

    • This section evaluates candidates' proficiency in basic information technology concepts, including computer fundamentals, software applications, and digital literacy.
  8. Pedagogy - 10%:

    • Candidates' understanding of pedagogical principles, teaching methodologies, classroom management techniques, and educational psychology will be assessed in this section.


The proposed content weightage for the Elementary School Teacher (EST/BS-14) position reflects the diverse skill set required for effective teaching at the elementary level. By distributing the assessment criteria across multiple subjects and domains, the Education Testing Council aims to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of candidates' knowledge, skills, and competencies relevant to the teaching profession. This transparent framework provides clarity to both candidates and evaluators regarding the expectations and focus areas of the recruitment process, ultimately contributing to the selection of qualified and capable elementary school teachers for the School Education Department of Gilgit-Baltistan.

Education Testing Council Syllabus For EST GB
Education Testing Council Syllabus For EST GB 

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