Internship Opportunities with the United Nations for Youth

Internship Opportunities with the United Nations for Youth

Exciting Paid Internship Opportunities with the United Nations for Youth

Are you aspiring to make a difference within the UN system? Here's your chance!

UNDP, UNICEF, UNOPS, and UNHCR are offering internship opportunities, and applications are closing soon!

Each internship has specific age eligibility, requirements, durations, and deadlines, so it's essential to do a little research before applying.

Here are the details and application links for each internship:

  1. UNWOMEN: Partnerships and Public Advocacy Intern (Location: Geneva, Stipend)

  2. WFP: Multimedia Design Intern (Location: Johannesburg, Stipend)

  3. UNHCR: Community-Based Protection Intern (Location: Rome, Stipend)

  4. UNWOMEN: Resource Mobilization Data Analysis Intern (Location: Dakar, Stipend)

  5. UNHCR: Public Health Intern (Location: Bogotá, Stipend)

Don't miss out on these incredible opportunities to gain valuable experience and contribute to meaningful projects within the United Nations!

Internship Opportunities with the United Nations for Youth


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