A Critical Analysis of UNGA’19 speech by PM Imran Khan By: Rameez Ali Jerov

A Critical Analysis of UNGA’19 speech by PM Imran Khan

By: Rameez Ali Jerov

Imran Khan a charismatic leader of Pakistan, his appearance on the right time makes this country very fortunate. History tells us Pakistan remain insignificant state in more than last 3 decades. Her diplomacy was tortured by several leaders, resources have being exploited, losing dignity and the level of insecurity is we can scrutinize it by knowing our border’s vulnerability through which terrorists penetrated into the country for decades.  Uninformed, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs) bombardments over helpless citizens made this country not less than a hell. Sometimes west used the land as a buffer zone even tried to install ill-fated permanent military base but remain mystery why it failed. On the other hand extorted economy of country could not make the world satisfied which unconditionally dragged country into the trap of International Monetary Fund (IMF); so Pakistan has found itself on one of Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF’s) list of not-so-good guys. These several ghastly actions of Pakistan by the so-called leaders of her own and some of the other countries imprinted the image of country as a safe haven for terrorists, a tortured and war mongering state in the minds of people around the globe.
The main four problems which were discussed on the floor of UNGA are international. The curse of Climate Change, Money Laundering, Islamophibia and Kashmir issue which is mainly the human-rights issue and internationally debatable were raised by leader.
 Changing global patterns of weather and uneven changes in climate is disastrous. His identification over the massacre of 10 dead trees by Indian jet bombing makes him as an environmentalist. The “tree tsunami” is basically the policy of ‘Green Pakistan’ under his government. 
North-South Gap is because of the money laundering from poor countries into the richer ones. They actually exploiting the resources there, and deprive local population to get benefited from it. As we are seeing the ‘White man’s burden’ phenomenon is demonstrating in the African continent.
The relation of idea of terrorism with Islam is another vital issue. No one ever abruptly defend the true teachings of Islam which were been interpreted in very wrong direction that imprinted in the mind of people of the globe.  ‘Islamophibia’ is proclaimed by west they took terrorism as Islamic-terrorism apparently; though terrorism is the phenomenon of political will of any group regardless of any religion, nation or any group. The evident 9/11 wasn’t remaining good outputs upon the whole Muslim community in which terrorism was regarded as an Islamic-terrorism.
 Appeasement to Provocation, that happened drastically amid of 20th century before World War II broke.  The violation of self-determination and human-rights happening in Kashmir will have consequences far beyond its limits.  This can promulgate a conventional war where most of the nation-states and civilizations will suffer. As Russian president Vladimir Putin feared of; “World War III will be the end of civilizations”.
Analysis National:
If government of Pakistan is likely to defend the rights of disputed Jammu and Kashmir then Pakistan must look deep into the denial of basic civil liberties and the issues of missing persons within the state like in Baluchistan and Gilgit-Baltistan. If the revocation of article 370 and 35A has been made in J&K by Indian administration then Pakistan must think about the violation of State Subject Rule (SSR) in the jurisdiction of its unconstitutional parts.  If PM is portraying the Islamophibia as an issue in the world and there are other humane preaching of Islam, then there must not be epic contradictions between words and deeds of true teachings of Islam. You must respect rights, you must respect humanity and you must restore dignity of the citizens in a civilized way.
Analysis International:
Hundred years back from now in 1915, Sigmund Freud warns. “He may be of a masterful nature, absolutely egotistic, self-confident, and sovereign.” People will love such a leader all the same — so long as the group continues to cherish the ideal that the leader represents, and so long as the leader can continue to credibly uphold it. World is filled with the leaders like Donald Trump, Imran Khan, Narindra Modi, Xi Jingpin, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un and so on as it depicts the definition of a leader by Freud. Their blunt personality of each leader is building the chaos and brinksmanship.
This period is replicating the E.H. Carr’s ‘twenty years crisis’ where the nations are in the mount to seek exigencies of survival and competition and in contrast the liberal world order (UN) proceed to demonstrate rational, well conceived ideas of peace and cooperation among states undermining the realities of chaos and insecurity.  The block shifting and formation was undergone, it’s floating now in order to maintain power. As Samuel P. Huntington bonded the imaginary relations between Sino-Islamic (Chinese-Islamic) friendly relations, the neutrality of Slavic (Russian) and the rivalry of Islam-West is now happening.  Chinese warm relations with ASEAN states will help to maintain the status of Pakistan in Southeast Asian region. We can see the faithful relations with Malaysia which is a vital member state of ASEAN nations. More ahead Indonesia the biggest Muslim country in terms of population will have relations with Pakistan. Israel’s new expected premier can have likely to pursue relations based on historic diplomacy and foreign policy, most probably with India and the USA.  Russian growing needs of accessing towards the warm waters can compel her to build new relations with Pakistan to bind new economic block as Russian-China-Pakistan axis after Russia formally joins CPEC. Countries will rejoice new geopolitical dynamics for the sake of survival and competition, As Winston Churchill said “Politics is not a game but it’s a serious business”.

Contributor is Graduate of International Relations from Karakorum International University. Can be reached at rameez.jerov@gmail.com

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