Proud Daughter of Gilgit-Baltistan

Shazia Ali

My name is Shazia Ali and I belong to a very beautiful valley named as Hunza. I am blessed to be a daughter of Hunza because the environment always gave me the best learning opportunities and helped me to reach at a level where I can choose the leading decisions.
I believe that the best teaching starts from your home where you start learning things and later your socializations process starts by the time. My parents taught me the dedication and love for the place from where I belong to. I always feel proud to be a daughter of a place like Hunza and I feel blessed to represent Hunza Gilgit-Baltistan on an international platform. In 2013, I started studying my high school at Modern American School, Jordon. I was the only Pakistani student here. In the beginning it was quite challenging because it was my first time to get introduced to Arab culture where I had to cope with the learning methodologies in a completely unfamiliar environment.
Exposures makes you able to learn and accept the behaviors and challenges. By the passage of time I learned the educational systems and learned to tackle the problems which made ways towards achievements. I got appreciation from school faculty for being an honor role student in my school and for representing my background. I have been awarded with a silver award from the president of America for my educational achievement having a background of Hunza, Pakistan here in Joadon.
Pakistan is a beautiful country and a peaceful country. People over here used to think that Pakistan is a poor country with very few facilities of education. This was a stereotypical perception about our country. Throughout the journey of my High School I always tried to show the beauty of my country and show them the facilities being provided to us and I was able to show them the reality and true face of our country all the students belonging to Arab and other countries of the globe.
I am Sharing my story because I believe that Pakistanis are capable of achieving more honor awards wherever they live and they can achieve awards for their intelligence. People have some fixed thoughts about others and other cultures but we have to show them the reality and the beauty of diversified people.
Defeating the stereotypical thoughts and underestimation thoughts will lead you towards success and this is what made a way for me to achieve The Presidential Honor Award among very few students on an international platform. Feel no shy to represent the place from where you belong. Be thankful to your land and always pray to God to bless you with dedication and love for your country.
By Tashmin Hunzai

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